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How Can You Tell if Someone Is Intelligent?

Question by dadwazabankrobber: How can you tell if someone is intelligent?
What makes a person intelligent?

Best answer:

Answer by kate lomax
Does it really matter?
Being kind and considerate is far more important.

Answer by Oglesby…?
You can tell that someone’s intelligent by their vocabulary usage and also by the way how they talk.

Addiction definition in flux
In earlier versions of the DSM, the term “addiction” was linked only to substance-use-related behavior, but in the new manual, the definition has expanded to include non-substance-related behaviors such as gambling. According to Potenza's letter, …
Read more on Yale Daily News (blog)

Dealing with e-cigarettes at work
… other substances in a lit form which are capable of being smoked. Electronic cigarettes are unlikely to be covered by the ban. Employers may also find that electronic cigarettes fall outside their existing definitions of drugs in their drug and …
Read more on CIPD (blog)

Mother of 5-Year-Old Medical-Marijuana Patient Explains How Pot Helps Her Son
The ACLU and the Weltons have filed a lawsuit asking the court to clarify that the definition of medical marijuana includes extracts of the plant, like the kind used to treat Zander's severe epilepsy. … You people in the substance abuse health arena …
Read more on Phoenix New Times (blog)