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Katherine Jackson Loses Last-Chance Damage Suit

Katherine Jackson loses last-chance damage suit
Some called it the Jackson family's last stand in court, a longshot effort that may have been doomed by the singer's own history of addiction struggles and headstrong decision-making when it came to his medical care. … Jurors said they believed Dr …
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Needle-exchange bill finds easy support in House
Despite arguments from some GOP conservatives that the measure amounts to state endorsement of intravenous drug use, the chamber voted 72-23 to send the bill to the Senate. The bill would allow IV drug users to exchange one used needle for one clean …
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British Government Makes a Modest Proposal to Support Marriage; the Left
… couples are more likely to stay together than cohabiting ones; and that marriage provides the most favorable conditions for raising children who will do well at school and have better job prospects, and avoid alcoholism, drug addiction and other …
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