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Naomi Klein: 'Big Green Groups Are More Damaging Than Climate Deniers'

Naomi Klein: 'Big green groups are more damaging than climate deniers'
That substance is banned or tightly regulated. It was a top-down regulatory approach. And then it came to screeching halt …. The truth is that the UN definition of genocide is that it is the deliberate act to disappear and displace people. What the …
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Push to lower legal limit of intoxication to 0.05 stirs debate
Generally speaking, the liver, brain, pancreas and stomach break down and eliminate alcohol through enzymes that convert the substance into water and carbon dioxide, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports. During that conversion …
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Police sound alarm over synthetic drugs
The mixture known as “spice” is seen here for sale at the Silver Clouds Smoke Shop in September 2010, before buying or selling the synthetic drug was outlawed by the state. Posted: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 9:03 am | Updated: 12:09 pm, Tue Sep 10 …
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