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Latest Counseling for Parents of Drug Addicts News

At Gerard Place, wayward women find a haven for restoring their souls
He has heard the horror stories: Relatives selling their younger female family members into prostitution. Drugs and alcohol addiction taking over their lives. And, finally, when the women are no longer marketable for the sex trade, ending up homeless …
Read more on Buffalo News

All in the Family
Kids who were hungry, who were abused, who grew up around drugs, divorce, domestic violence, who had incarcerated parents — all were significantly more likely to have chronic illness, abuse drugs, get pregnant early and attempt suicide. Social …
Read more on Pacific Northwest Inlander

Digital addiction: Is it real or a symptom of other problems?
Holly Hemphill, a marriage and family therapist in Liberty, says she sees computer issues flare in 80 percent of the couples she counsels. … A plethora of brain imaging research shows that areas associated with drug addiction light up during computer …
Read more on Bend Bulletin

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