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What Is the Fundamental Group Personality Flaw of Liberals Which Leads to Them Losing Out to Republicans ?

Question by jesswzmn: what is the fundamental group personality flaw of liberals which leads to them losing out to Republicans ?
on issues like healthcare reform.

Best answer:

Answer by [email protected]
I was really surprised to hear this from top-level Republicans: we significantly outclass the Liberals in one area that compensates for our smaller numbers: organization.

You might think that’s funny, but it’s quite true. Republicans are way more organized and diligent. Year after year, Democrats are astonished when they lose elections, and it all came down to dogged determination, coupled with far superior organization.

Liberals excel at getting their supporters enthused, but their creativity is no match for the “slow and steady wins the race” approach the Republicans use.

It’s like playing poker. You always have some smug hotshot (Liberal) who arrogantly believes he can just bluff his way to victory. Opposing him is the Conservative who has studied all the statistics and hence knows exactly when to bet, when to raise, and when to fold.

The hotshot may win some flashy hands, but the conscientious player will always prevail.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
