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Latest Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment News

The Trippy New Era: Returning to Hallucinogens as a Treatment for Addiction
Can these drugs revolutionize addiction treatment, or is it all just tangerine trees and marmalade skies? (PHOTO: OLEG GOLIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK). June 25, 2013 • By Kelly Bourdet • Leave a …. Psychedelics operate on the principle that mental illness and …
Read more on Pacific Standard

Twenty seven million suffer from drug abuse globally
Across the world, drug use is mainly a youth problem: prevalence rates increase through teenage years and peak between 18 and 25. Most drug users seek treatment only in their late 20s and most drug related deaths occur in the mid 30s. … regional and …
Read more on Ceylon Daily News

KASHMIR: Drug Abuse in Females
It's high time all stake holders in Kashmir come forward and chalk out a time bound plan for reducing drug abuse especially among females and treat them in the most respectful way, based on scientific principles. Following points if implemented …

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