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Early Intervention Is Valuable When Facing Drug and Alcohol Use

Early intervention is valuable when facing drug and alcohol use
To help parents learn how to speak to their children about drug and alcohol use, the Partnership at created Intervention, an eBook available online or as a printed copy through the Unified Prevention! (UP!) Coalition for a Drug-Free Doña …
Read more on Las Cruces Sun-News

Alcohol and drug abuse may be genetic risk
Professor McGorry wants to use government funded Headspace centres that provide help for young people to identify those at risk of drug and alcohol abuse and deliver early intervention. The centres provide a stigma free venue to identify young people …

Harper should embrace safe-injection sites: They're the law-and-order option
Unfortunately, much of the government opposition to injecting facilities stems from the view that these programs result in less control over injection-drug use, when the opposite is actually true. In fact, what is particularly ironic is that Ottawa …
Read more on Globe and Mail

rehabilitation centre for recovering addicts
Dubai: Dubai's first and only social rehabilitation centre called 'Ownak' (Arabic for 'Your Support') will soon open its doors to recovering drug addicts to prevent them from relapsing into substance abuse, senior officials of the Community Development …

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